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Re: Any positive results from strattera?

Re: Any positive results from strattera?2012-02-14T03:44:21+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Strattera Any positive results from strattera? Re: Any positive results from strattera?


Post count: 14413

In the last year and 1/2 I’ve tried Ritalin, Concerta and Adderall. I read somewhere that Strattera might be more effective for some people with Primarily Inattentive ADD. Since I’m in the middle of field placement my dr was reluctant to let me try something new, but I told him I had to do something differently – if I don’t do ok at placement I am sure I’d be out of the program. Anyway, at this point I’m finding I wake up and get moving easier and I’m a little less scattered, maybe more motivated. (Or maybe it’s raw fear.) I wondering about still taking a low dose of Concerta over the next few weeks but since my blood pressure has been kind of high recently that might not be a good idea.