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Re: Any recent experiences with Concerta?

Re: Any recent experiences with Concerta?2012-05-24T20:50:48+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Concerta Any recent experiences with Concerta? Re: Any recent experiences with Concerta?


Post count: 14413


great observation. I can completely relate to the change of emotional response.

Becoming more aware of my own feelings makes me act and react more assertive in my daily life. Does not go well with everybody, but that’s just the way it is ;)

Also, even though I still consider myself a very empathetic person, I have been able to set emotional boundaries. It feels like for the first time in my life I can allocate mental resources for developing some feelings of self-worth instead of constantly reflecting on my own and other’s feelings and emotions.

All in all, I have been feeling much more relaxed in the face of disaster (well… I am an IT tech, LOL).

Maybe it’s the combination of midlife crisis and ADHD medication- but nothing in my life seems like it was before. And that is a good thing indeed :).

Have a great day everyone!
