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Re: Any studies on vitamins/fish oil

Re: Any studies on vitamins/fish oil2010-11-05T16:39:01+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Alternative Treatments Any studies on vitamins/fish oil Re: Any studies on vitamins/fish oil


Patte Rosebank
Post count: 1517

@buster, if you were suddenly diagnosed with Diabetes, would you refuse to take insulin or Metformin because “all meds are over-prescribed, and just cover up the problem”? If you did that, you’d soon wind up in the hospital, and your life would be greatly shortened.

ADHD is no different. Like diabetes, you will need to make lifestyle changes, and they will help to some extent, but without the meds to control the way your body reacts, you will not be properly treating the problem, and that will seriously affect your quality of life. Over time, you may be able to adjust your lifestyle to the extent that you won’t need the meds any more. But you will need the meds to help you get to that point.

Also, beware of the claims that you are “allergic” to everything. Most of the people doing this “allergy” testing are using long-discredited methods (such as blood-testing), in order to get you to buy their supplements (which do not stand up to proper scientific testing).