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Re: Any tips for keeping those library books and fines under control?

Re: Any tips for keeping those library books and fines under control?2012-10-22T13:24:18+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Organizing & De-Cluttering Any tips for keeping those library books and fines under control? Re: Any tips for keeping those library books and fines under control?


Post count: 596

Well I gave up on the library years ago! I

I think there are some things we people with ADD just aren’t meant for! Imposing other people’s deadlines on ourselves is one of them.

Unless returning library books becomes something that is personally relevant to you then you don’t have a hope in hell. Monetary fines are generally meaningless to us i believe. Sure, we don’t want to pay them anymore than the next person but I don’t think we have a concept of its relational meaning. I don’t like paying fines but I’m not exactly devastated after I pay it. As a matte of fact, I will have usually forgotten about it in a matter of minutes . I know I should be upset but I don’t actually feel the emotion. It’s really kind of sociopathic when i think about it :-)

On the other hand, can you get your husband to return them on time? or perhaps just accept that the fines are part of the cost and stop feeling you have to comply ?

Somewhere I have a post in one of the humour threads about taking a bag of un-returned library books to Europe by mistake because I thought it was my husband’s reading bag. Can’t find it though so del post a link if I ever do.