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Re: ANYONE ELSE feel like calling up past teachers and bosses after being diagnosed?

Re: ANYONE ELSE feel like calling up past teachers and bosses after being diagnosed?2010-12-06T05:14:15+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? ANYONE ELSE feel like calling up past teachers and bosses after being diagnosed? Re: ANYONE ELSE feel like calling up past teachers and bosses after being diagnosed?


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I can SO agree with both of you! What really gets me is that I had so many issues in middle/high school that I saw several counsellors (mostly via the school system), and I’ve seen psychiatrists since I was about 20, so why didn’t it get diagnosed until I was 25-26?? Seriously, folks… almost all my teachers commented on my ‘daydreaming’ and ‘introversion’ but no one ever said “Hey…maybe??” I wasn’t loud and obnoxious, but I definitely stood out, so why didn’t anyone DO anything besides try to make me talk about my feelings? It really seems like maybe a bit of child psychology would go a long way with teachers. I know they have a LOT on their plates, but this knowledge would make their jobs easier as kids actually got the help they needed. At least I can give mine props for noticing ‘something’ was wrong, so I guess mine falls on crappy therapists.

BUT there are definitely a number of bosses I wish I could smack. I was a journalist for about 7 years and did really great work — I got recognized regularly in our trade mags for great writing, but my bosses always got after me for not writing enough. I’d toil away and come up with a great story and they’d gripe at my for not being able to turn out 3 in the same time period. I’ve never understood why they couldn’t be pleased at the quality of work I was turning out — plenty of crappy writers turn out volume instead. I also had one, that I really respected, about break my heart because I “wasn’t trying hard enough” and “showing initiative”. I really wish I could just go back and make her understand I was working my ass off, but pulling the wagon with a push-me-pull-you!!! It still hurts that she thought I was being lazy, when I really thought I was doing a great job…. it “broke” me for journalism :(