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Re: ANYONE ELSE feel like calling up past teachers and bosses after being diagnosed?

Re: ANYONE ELSE feel like calling up past teachers and bosses after being diagnosed?2010-12-06T05:31:38+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? ANYONE ELSE feel like calling up past teachers and bosses after being diagnosed? Re: ANYONE ELSE feel like calling up past teachers and bosses after being diagnosed?


Post count: 14413

I agree 1000% with previous post. I recently had a internship. I thought I was doing a great job. I was so proud of my self. Projects on which I worked on, no student has ever touched them. At last day of work, I was criticized for not delivering things on time. I was also told that I spent too much time in projects on which I had more interest. I was told to find ways to get your work done other then being frustrated at the system. Yes I worked in unionized environment. His final comments really hurt me. I lost all my confidence. I do not even apply for jobs knowing I will not be able to live up to expectations.