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Re: ANYONE ELSE feel like calling up past teachers and bosses after being diagnosed?

Re: ANYONE ELSE feel like calling up past teachers and bosses after being diagnosed?2010-12-07T11:16:13+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? ANYONE ELSE feel like calling up past teachers and bosses after being diagnosed? Re: ANYONE ELSE feel like calling up past teachers and bosses after being diagnosed?


Post count: 173

To my mind, there wouldn’t be much point. The type of person who gave me a lot of grief is either the type of person who would deny the existence of ADHD in the first place, or would accuse me of making excuses.

I have a friend with a Non-Verbal LD who was diagnosed part way through a University program. It didn’t change a thing with the Prof who wanted her out of the program, and if anything, made this Prof want her out more.