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Re: apps for add

Re: apps for add2011-07-07T13:31:54+00:00

Post count: 596

The GTD method is great. I used Omnifocus for a while but that is a mac app. I can’t remember if there’s an iphone version but worth looking at. I also use the ipad for note taking. I find it easier to use in a way because it’s bigger. maybe it’s just because I can see better LOL

i also found some mind mapping software and installed it on the computer but to be hones I prefer using paper. It’s just more immediate. If I’m in a real organized mood I would use the software but I find that sometimes I just waste a lot of time making things pretty so have opted for the more old-fashioned tools lately!

After posting on this thread earlier on I have been curious as to the neurological connection between writing and information retention. I didn’t get much info in my googling but I did find an interesting article and a productivity site. Seems to be a bit advert heavy but there are some articles that would apply to a lot of our ADD productivity issues
