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Re: Are you talking about your condition?

Re: Are you talking about your condition?2010-08-28T02:47:30+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Other Are you talking about your condition? Re: Are you talking about your condition?


Post count: 14413

I talk about things that people can identify with – struggles, emotions are things all of us face. It doesn’t always need a name. My husband talks much more about his condition than I do. He names them and explains them with such authority that people respect what he says in general. Or they don’t argue anyway!

For me it works better to just talk about how I struggle with organization or keeping my schedule. Others have problems that are similar enoug. h that we can identify with each other. I find that when I talk about how much harder I have to work to accomplish my goals others can identify. That makes me feel like I’m not alone.

All in all it does not matter if I think I am working harder than they are. I don’t know if I am. And deciding that its just not important has allowed me to avoid a “me vs them” outlook. I did feel like that for a while andit hurt me. I still certainly notice when I am different but it is easier to deal with when I try to focus on where we are alike instead of hoe different I am.