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Re: Attemping communicating with too much emotion

Re: Attemping communicating with too much emotion2010-10-26T00:42:27+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey I'm Sad Attemping communicating with too much emotion Re: Attemping communicating with too much emotion


Post count: 14413

Thanks for the replies! :D It has been a few days now and we are in a much better place. He was keeping something from me so as not to hurt my feelings. That is why he was so ovder thed top upset. I was because I kinda knew it all along.

That was our worst in a while. I am glad we are past it now. There is still a weirdness in places but that is because of his mental struggles. It feels good to understand som,eone bettrr even if you don’t know how to help them yet.

You live and you learn. Our motto for a while has been survive and advance! When it gets too tough that is all ya got.

ThNks again :)