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Re: Audio Books anyone? I thought this was an obvious vehicle!

Re: Audio Books anyone? I thought this was an obvious vehicle!2011-02-03T23:09:44+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Alternative Therapies Audio Books anyone? I thought this was an obvious vehicle! Re: Audio Books anyone? I thought this was an obvious vehicle!


Patte Rosebank
Post count: 1517

Hey, you’re right! I wonder how we’d go about suggesting it to them.

But you may find that those books were actually put together in a way that makes them much easier for someone with ADHD to absorb them. The key is, doing it in small batches, with plenty of time to discuss each concept after you’ve read it. This interactive approach is far more effective than trying to just read it all in one go. Plus, when you’re discussing it, you’re actively involved in understanding and applying the information you’ve just read—instead of just reading it on the page and hoping it sinks in and stays there.