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Re: Awesome ADHD

Re: Awesome ADHD2012-11-02T14:29:59+00:00

Post count: 529

But I JUST woke up and am feeling GRRRRRRRRRREAT! I dont want to go back to sleep for once! hahahaha

Thats a REALLY REALLY good idea! I lost one of my threads I used to comment on all the time and I forgot what it was called. I couldnt find it for the life of me but this will work!!

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND!! I thought of something thats great about the ADD… Maybe it has already been said, but I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE how we are quirky and different!

:D :D :D Another AWESOME thing I like about ADD…. ALL OF YOU AWESOME ADHD QUIRKS HERE :D :D :D