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Re: Balancing life and work for workaholic ADDer

Re: Balancing life and work for workaholic ADDer2011-07-07T03:44:14+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Struggling Balancing life and work for workaholic ADDer Re: Balancing life and work for workaholic ADDer


Post count: 9


your post certainly rang a bell here. Some years ago I too was the “go-to” person (and I have difficulty saying no). Upper respiratory hit in the spring, by summer it had morphed into pneumonia – took two weeks off from work to get over it, then had a reoccurance in December of that same year, more time off from work etc… etc…

I do not know the answer – it is easy to set boundaries but keeping them is another story.

My husband (even now) keeps reminding me that its all right to be a team player – but you are really only a team of one (yourself). And, that in the workplace, being a “team player” is merely someone else’s perception.

I lost my best friend to cancer last December. She was 59. We had all of these “big plans” for after retirement.

Work doesn’t seem like such a priority anymore…

best of luck to you,
