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Re: Beating yourself up about your mistakes – especially if they affect others

Re: Beating yourself up about your mistakes – especially if they affect others2011-06-10T23:48:00+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Stuck in Regret/Anger Beating yourself up about your mistakes – especially if they affect others Re: Beating yourself up about your mistakes – especially if they affect others


Post count: 14413

I have done a lot of mistakes, just like all of you. But it helps me not feeling guilty if I know that I didn’t intend to do this or that mistake. And if someone is affected by this mistake I hope that this person is good enough to let me try to explain my actions, if not – why are they still in my life? Do I really want anything to do with someone that narrow minded? I think not… May be a little harsh, but life has made me this way!

Family is worse though, can’t live with them – can’t live without them…