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Re: Browser add-ons for time management

Re: Browser add-ons for time management2011-12-23T17:59:15+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Time Management Browser add-ons for time management Re: Browser add-ons for time management


Post count: 14413

Emailed myself the link to this page for when I turn on my computer I can get both the Firefox and Chrome add-ons. I have been cruising around on the Totally ADD site so much on my cell this morning that my cell phone has to be plugged in. Thank goodness for extension cords. LOL I have been home sick this week, headache, neck pain, angry gut, and either passing a small kidney stone or getting a kidney infection from all the hot tea I have been drinking, trying to flush out whatever I have got going on.

Blech. Haven’t walked the dog for a week, but today I might bundle up and have my son walk with us. (He’s 20, so can help me get home if necessary.) Glad the dog is small and he is just as happy to run around the yard most of the time. But a walk might do both of us some good.