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Re: Browser add-ons for time management

Re: Browser add-ons for time management2011-10-02T18:41:17+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Time Management Browser add-ons for time management Re: Browser add-ons for time management


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Glad you liked it! Don’t thank me, someone else here pointed me towards Stay Focusd for chrome. But the web blocker I’m using for Firefox is working well. Check for apps, maybe there is a mobile browser version of one of these.

ADD or not, it’s still really hard for any of us to stay off the internet. I don’t listen to the radio much, but a few days ago I was, and was really surprised to hear one of the announcers say that she stayed up late at night worrying about what to say to sound “funny” first thing in the morning on twitter or facebook or whatever she was using. Can you imagine that? We’re not only worried about what we wear, who we date, what car we drive, where we vacation, what job we get, etc. but now we have to be worried about appearances 24×7 And much of the time that isn’t real, it’s what people want to present to the world, what they aspire to, not who they really are 😥

I am so glad I can come here and be my screwed up self, without pretenses.