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Re: Busted! How to respond to negative (but probably accurate) feedback?

Re: Busted! How to respond to negative (but probably accurate) feedback?2010-08-13T16:29:54+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Strategies for Work Busted! How to respond to negative (but probably accurate) feedback? Re: Busted! How to respond to negative (but probably accurate) feedback?


Post count: 14413

It’s a great thing when others help us realize what we so naturally overlook. My mother for a long time developed a habit of constantly reminding me about what I need to remember to do.

This she did before I even found out I had ADD.

It’s also difficult because our minds run quicker and finish sentences or ideas or answers pop into our head while another speaks.

In a conversation if I allow that person to keep going and that happens to me I find I can’t retain what I wanted to say.

So it’s good to have friends and family members that point out things we naturally forget we do.