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Re: Busted! How to respond to negative (but probably accurate) feedback?

Re: Busted! How to respond to negative (but probably accurate) feedback?2010-08-24T22:22:50+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Strategies for Work Busted! How to respond to negative (but probably accurate) feedback? Re: Busted! How to respond to negative (but probably accurate) feedback?


Post count: 14413

I was chastised for finishing other’s sentences by my normally, extremely patient husband about five months ago (after being marrried for more than 30 years). I guess he’d decided he had ENOUGH words put into his mouth to finally complain!

I was really taken aback by hearing it from him. of all people! After all these years of marital bliss and without any complaints from him, I’d begun to believe that I just might be perfect! Really, I did know that finishing his sentences was something I was guilty of, particularly with him.

He had in fact asked on a few occasions if I would just let him finish by himself. I’d politely say okay (seething inside) and tell him to continue on but to just hurry it up a bit and SAY it a bit faster. Since he was raised in the deep south, it’s always been a bit painful for me to wait while he sloooowly drawled out whatever he was trying to say. (Did you catch that? TRYING to say?)

Painful, painful, painful for a fast-talking ADDer trying to wait patiently for a slow-talker to finish. What really struck me the most was the fact that it was ‘him’ that finally complained! (since I did know I was guilty as charged) If Mr. Patient had finally complained about this nasty habit, how many others must I have offended as well?

Now whenever I start to get that hyperventilate-like feeling like I’m going to erupt when someone is taking too long to speak, I remind myself to breathe deeply and just listen, don’t speak. Eventually, whoever it is manages to get it out and then it is MY turn again. Best part, I’ve noticed that not once have I ever exploded/imploded because I had to wait!