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Re: Busted! How to respond to negative (but probably accurate) feedback?

Re: Busted! How to respond to negative (but probably accurate) feedback?2010-08-27T20:02:31+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Strategies for Work Busted! How to respond to negative (but probably accurate) feedback? Re: Busted! How to respond to negative (but probably accurate) feedback?


Rick Green – Founder of TotallyADD
Post count: 473

I love what everyone is saying here. This is about having real power.

When you can hear feedback and understand it’s coaching and guidance, not criticism and insults, you are so far ahead of the rest of the world.

We’re so enthusiastic, so interested in the problem, we never consider what we’re like, or how we come across.

It’s like the beauty of the idea, or the magic of something cool, or just the frenzy of producing something takes all our concentration, and suddenly we’re going a million miles an hour… and not noticing what we’re doing or saying to people.

I like what zsazsa says about suddenly seeing it’s true. And just being aware of what you’re doing is all it takes to stop.

And then you start noticing what you are doing the rest of the time. You become conscious of it. And it’s a shock.

Just don’t get shut down. You want to be conscious, but not too self-conscious.

Also kudos for being able to hear what your husband was saying. Cause that must have been difficult, and let’s face it, hard to deliver a message like that to someone you love. But I know I can get so offended and defensive when I get ‘feedback’ from Ava. Yet she loves me too much not to give it to me. And I’ve given her permission to tell me. (Though, and I’m chuckling and blushing as I write this) when she’s giving me feedback, I’m sitting their regretting I asked her to give me that feedback…

I love also what you said about wondering who else you’ve offended!

I guess the answer is, lots of people. But you won’t anymore. (Or not much.)

And zsazsa, did you thank ‘Mr. Slow Talker’ for speaking up?