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Re: caddac.ca videos

Re: caddac.ca videos2012-02-08T05:48:04+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community caddac.ca videos Re: caddac.ca videos


Post count: 14413

:DDoctor Barkley is amazing. Not only has he written some great books for us, but his most recent work addresses the

results of very recent research so we have a better chance to understand what it is that we have to deal with.

As well, the good Doctor has a very helpful website, and is willing to answer questions with real answers, not the

so standard form responses that are next to useless.

Doctor Gabor Mate is another excellent resource for us, and a good writer, the books are a great help … he is in B.C..

There are also, it seems, quite a number of the usual trolls who have noticed that this can be a new market

for selling their on-line versions of snake oil .. as if we don’t have enough challenges, we have to be cautious as well. :)