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March 28, 2010 at 1:53 pm #88319
I just wanted to recommend watching the videos posted on the caddac website (centre for adhd/add advocacy canada)
There are many videos with Dr. Russell Barkley who is a clear and effective speaker, as well as others I found to be informative and worthwhile for gathering info on the diagnosis and targeting areas for treatment/intervention. I am ‘hyperfocused’ on them right now :o) (or Dr. Barkley would say I am perseverating).
REPORT ABUSEApril 6, 2010 at 4:09 am #93302
AnonymousInactiveApril 6, 2010 at 4:09 amPost count: 14413Oh, you wait to see what we have on Russell Barkley on the website. Keep yourself posted. The TotallyADD site has more experts recorded from all over the world than any other site in existence today. We just don’t give them to you at once.
That is not to diminish the CADDAC site or the work they do. We all are in the boat for the same purpose.
REPORT ABUSEJanuary 29, 2012 at 1:38 pm #93303I’ve been watching his you tube video’s for hours, I’m happy to have found totally add, but I wish I would have found this guys sooner.
Russell Barkley
Where are the rest of the “experts” I’ve watched a lot/most of the video’s here, I’ve been reading for months.
I want the whole truth about this problem. The whole truth about all the other problems I may have to deal with before I’m given too much false hope about everything turning out all rosy and wonderful.
Sure I have add BUT I WILL NEVER LOVE IT. I’ll be checking out that other site for a while, see you soon folks
REPORT ABUSEJanuary 29, 2012 at 2:46 pm #93304Dr J, reading this one year latter I have to say . Whats UP DOC!! where are these recordings. ha ha.
REPORT ABUSEJanuary 30, 2012 at 9:41 pm #93305I’ve just been going to the sites linked to above. Those Russel Barkley videos are a little bit difficult to navigate through. Due to the way youtube is organized. But it’s worth the time to sit and watch them. The caadac site is the same, sitting and watching it will help me to build patience. There’s only one way to become more patient. I’m sure you can guess, but I’ll tell ya anyway.
It’s OK if they don’t want to put a link to those sites, it’s easy enough for us to go there ourselves. It’s all professional advise on the Russell Barkley videos. I’ve read all I can stand about the problem here. Maybe 10% of what I read here actually helps me.
I want my time back…. I won’t get it. I accept that.
I like this web site because I get some peer support. I have to just be grateful for what I can get here. Just like the health care systems anywhere, the people that can help us are overwhelmed and under staffed.
We’re mostly on our own. Accept it, do your best, and don’t take your advice from people like me who are still far from being in the position to give advice. Most of what I type here gets ignored. Maybe it should be.
It’s dumb of me to expect one place on the Internet to have all the answers. Once again I’ve put people (this place in this case) up too high on a pedestal, they never measure up. it’s not possible. I’m accepting that real help is way out in the horizon. All I have to do is keep moving foreword and learn to be satisfied with a few peanuts, when I need a full 3 course nutritious meal. My mental health is slowly starving to death. Fortunately for me I haven’t had religion stuffed down my neck. So my experience with prayer and meditation are all positive. I don’t belong to any particular religion. Most of the crimes against humanity have been done with religion as an excuse. Spirituality and finding my own path has helped me the most. It’s not the whole solution though. My spirit will survive on a few peanuts until I can learn to manage, It’s not like I have any choice.
This site has helped me keep my head above water. I need much more than I can get here. Most of us do. I’ll figure out just how much I can depend of this place some day. Today, I realize, I won’t get all my needs met here.
That’s life. Expecting more is just kicking myself in the teeth once again.
Angry? hell yes I’m angry. I’m not happy with the way human beings treat each-other in this world. I’m changing me. That’s as far as I can go.
REPORT ABUSEJanuary 31, 2012 at 12:17 am #93306There are tons of videos on that CADDAC site, including a few that I’ve watched here. The very first one didn’t play any more than 20% through, but all the rest work. There are a bunch by Russell Barkley, some the same as the ones at youtube. Dr Jain is there also.
It’s good solid facts and watching them has been much easier than reading for me. Even if I have to watch them several times.
I hope you check it out trashman, and anyone else feeling like I have been feeling. (frustrated, impatient with the endless hoops I have to jump through to get the right help)
Remember to click on all the links at the bottom and explore that whole small simple looking interface. There’s more there than meets the eye. Spend a lot of time there.
I don’t know why, but I’ve calmed down a lot just watching and being convinced that a whole lot of people are working very hard in many places in addition to here to help us all learn to live with these problems, and move past most of the suffering it creates. I know it’s only a matter of time before I’ll be helping people with ADD/ADHD and a bunch of the related disorders.
Hang in there.
REPORT ABUSEFebruary 1, 2012 at 6:59 pm #93307I can answer for Dr. J. We recorded a great interview with Dr Barkley a couple years ago and the footage was wrecked because of a mic problem (they were crossed and created a horrible buzz). Hopefully we can interview him again!
REPORT ABUSEFebruary 6, 2012 at 2:40 pm #93308Thanks Jimi.
My attitude is coming back around to the positive place I’m usually at. I was in some serious pain for what seemed like an eternity after being late to that appointment last week. I have one today, another tomorrow, and one more the next week. Kinda like jumping on a bull at the rodeo… Today it’s just the pain specialist, she’s doing a great job of helping me not to beat myself up. Her daughter has some degree of ADHD.
It’s all good man. I’ll do nothing but focus on showing up for the appointments. And cleaning up my apt. for the semi annual inspections. Crap!. I don’t like to put things away when I’m done with them. Or I don’t know how. I just don’t… I got projects everywhere I look. The clock on the wall is gonna look like a fan for a couple days…. Ugh.
Peace, ya all be cool now.
REPORT ABUSEFebruary 7, 2012 at 5:09 pm #93309
AnonymousInactiveFebruary 7, 2012 at 5:09 pmPost count: 14413for what it is worth i tried caddac and it was a waste of time, they have the nice little website that
has nothing new on it … same old data as anywhere else and they DO NOT PROVIDE HELP ..
so frankly did not seem to be useful at all … maybe if I did not have ADHD, did not live in a remote part of
Canada that has no live specialists just old md s then maybe it would not matter that caddac is of no help
in a perfect world Canada’s so called medical health coverage would actually cover its PAYING members
having paid into provincial health plans in a few provinces, I have had a lovely introduction to how mental healthcare
in canada has been flushed away, just as healthcare for us old people … I am sooo tired of Canadian politicians and
the lies and the decrease in care and services likely there are Third World countries where it is worse, but so what.
REPORT ABUSEFebruary 8, 2012 at 3:06 am #93310Dr. Barkley is amazing. He’s one of the biggest names in the research area. While many of the experts in our videos are clinicians, that is Doctors who see patients, Dr. Barkley is doing research, and his name is on hundreds of studies. He, as much as anyone, has made it clear that for most people with ADHD this is not a gift, or a huge positive, but a saboteur that can ruin lives. Especially when you don’t know what’s going on. We saw him speak together with Dr. Edward Hallowell in Orlando, and it was interesting to see the two aspects contrasted, one dealing with the large numbers of patients and proving statistically how we suffer from higher rates or addiction, car accidents, incarceration, divorce, bankruptcy and so on, while the other talking about how to get people to accept what’s going on, let go of fear, get over the stigma, and get on with turning things around.
REPORT ABUSEFebruary 8, 2012 at 5:48 am #93311
AnonymousInactiveFebruary 8, 2012 at 5:48 amPost count: 14413:DDoctor Barkley is amazing. Not only has he written some great books for us, but his most recent work addresses the
results of very recent research so we have a better chance to understand what it is that we have to deal with.
As well, the good Doctor has a very helpful website, and is willing to answer questions with real answers, not the
so standard form responses that are next to useless.
Doctor Gabor Mate is another excellent resource for us, and a good writer, the books are a great help … he is in B.C..
There are also, it seems, quite a number of the usual trolls who have noticed that this can be a new market
for selling their on-line versions of snake oil .. as if we don’t have enough challenges, we have to be cautious as well.
REPORT ABUSEFebruary 13, 2012 at 1:10 am #93312
AnonymousInactiveFebruary 13, 2012 at 1:10 amPost count: 14413My only concern with Russell B. is that he has started to lose his objectivity. He is too busy trying to sell books and capitalize on his name (my opinion only) that his theories have not been confirmed by the entire ADHD field. It is important that we get lots of different opinions and that you, the consumer, needs to be educated as to what fits for you. In one lecture I saw in 2011, he plugged his new book 8 times. Just feels bad. I hope he can rise above this because he is an excellent speaker and people respect what he says.
Don’t expect that experts tell the truth! Only the truth they see.
REPORT ABUSEMarch 13, 2012 at 6:27 am #93313Dr. Jain-
Thanks you for your post [the one that says 4 weeks ago, today, it’s 3-12-12.] About Russel B n his plugging the books 8 times. I respect your opinion the most here. I’m hoping you take that as a compliment. I have changed a lot in a short amount of time because of this site primarily. I was talking to my daughter who is almost finished with her Internship at Cal Poly earlier tonight, soon to be employed as a dietician. She has checked out this site. A bit skeptical (she put it gently). My suggestion, she focus on the video’s, and I mentioned your name in particular, and only yours, so she would remember. Told her about how you have a talent for brevity. And pack a lot of useful information into not many words.
The help here has indeed helped all my relationships. Reading some parts of my posts above only stings a tiny bit. It’s much easier to forgive myself when I make little mistakes. It also seems like way! longer than a month ago that I wrote them. That’s why I put dates on many of my posts. And the time matters sometimes like tonight it’s a little bit after 11:00 pm pst, so it’ s tomorrow for the rest of the continental US.
“The lure of easy money has a very strong appeal” lyrics from the 80’s. Don Henley, Smugglers Blues I think. It’s wrong to compare any doctor to a drug dealer. Well, it’s wrong for ME, to do that. But that’s just my moral compass. Free speech is a wonderful thing. Censorship, well… it’s crap in most cases. JMHO. I wouldn’t want to see porno, or filthy language here though. So… Hmmm, off topic.. wupps!!
I applaud your honesty. I applaud your willingness to help us so very much for nothing. We pay nothing, you get well being and the satisfaction of a job well done. You’re [ gangstars] all in my prayers.
Robert Field (I’m the dude in the orange bandana, w/ long hair if you check facebook, that picture may change, I’m guessing my writing style is easy to spot)
PS, I also told her “the video’s are also very funny and entertaining” knowing she’ll discover Rick’s Jems.
11:26 pm pst 3-12-12
PS, LOL, it’s ironic that I mentioned my facebook page on this article in particular. ***laughing at self***
REPORT ABUSEMarch 13, 2012 at 6:41 am #93314The “truth” is a strange phenomena. I got very lucky in that I was able to see a very good psychiatrist in the middle of what I used to consider a sadly underfunded, and sub-standard health care system. While talking about the 72 question ADHD test. I told her “the truth changes” She understood. I didn’t have to explain. How we see it changes. Thus, it does indeed change, my onion only. (opinions are like onions) Deep, huh?
“Don’t expect that experts tell the truth! Only the truth they see.” -Dr Umesh Jain
PS, searched around, couldn’t find your full name for correct spelling.