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Re: Calling all Toronto ADDers!

Re: Calling all Toronto ADDers!2010-11-15T03:31:21+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Calling all Toronto ADDers! Re: Calling all Toronto ADDers!


Post count: 14413

I’ve been trying to get back to one of the meetups for some time now but have been ‘foiled’ by all the other commitments that seem to hound us in adulthood. I actually think the starts are about to align once again because one of my usual ‘monday’ commitments is actually tomorrow! (How did that happen??)

Now I’ll just have to psyche myself up to the drive… I hate the freeways (even more so late at night). I loved being with the group since it was so amazing to see a room full of people ‘thinking’ just like me. It was so nice to fit in with no one giving me odd looks, like I had just landed here from some other planet.

Here’s hoping that nothing gets in the way…