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Re: Can these be symptoms – or a part of ADD??

Re: Can these be symptoms – or a part of ADD??2010-12-10T19:40:00+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? Co-morbidities/Secondary Disorders Can these be symptoms – or a part of ADD?? Re: Can these be symptoms – or a part of ADD??


Post count: 14413

Sure billd…..the tooth pick works too. If there is nothing going on for me…. that is going on…..the tooth pick I mean. No harm in it at all, it hurts no one, so what the hell and they are free or cheap. I even bought a little holder so I can carry them in my pocket. I have even fallen asleep with them in my mouth….NOT A GOOD IDEA AT ALL …but it happens.

Hahahaha….Toothpick Chewers Anonymous……no maybe not!!!!