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Re: Can these be symptoms – or a part of ADD??

Re: Can these be symptoms – or a part of ADD??2010-12-09T03:59:25+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? Co-morbidities/Secondary Disorders Can these be symptoms – or a part of ADD?? Re: Can these be symptoms – or a part of ADD??


Post count: 14413

I don’t know but I keep a tooth pick in my mouth all day, everyday, always. It’s what I do, also I eat things in shells, double bang for the buck…shelling activity, munching, and nuts are healthy…it’s all good. My thoughts on TV are are if your looking for intelligent thoughts look elsewhere…hahahahaha.

I have a TV on in the bedroom always to fall asleep…..or try read myself to sleep, only works sometimes, but always the TV on!!!

Guess I missed the ADD special it was just ending……next time.
