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Re: Caregiver Depression

Re: Caregiver Depression2012-02-01T13:19:00+00:00

The Forums Forums For The Non-ADD Other Caregiver Depression Re: Caregiver Depression


Post count: 20

Overwhelmed I think – Waiting for the hammer to fall.

It is a full time job just keeping my daughter on an even Keel. So many extra activities (Therapy Monday, Scouts Wed, Karate thurs, fri and sat). Plus the challenges of school for her HW takes so long, then she wants to play and run and do…. And the shower every night 40 minutes just to get her in, 40 minutes to get her out. PLUS I have a house to manage, people to feed, full time job, and occasionally I like to pretend I have a life too…..

Im just exhausted. But shes doing the best she ever has been. Meds are working, therapy is helping – Chugg along chug along chug along – I think I just need to recharge my batteries.

((I sound like a horrible whiner))