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Re: Commitment

Re: Commitment2011-07-11T03:38:09+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? Commitment Re: Commitment


Post count: 596


The more I try to figure out what I really want the harder it gets. My psychologist got me started when I first went for the ADD diagnosis and I realized I had never really thought about it much my entire life. WIthout any goals or knowing your values it is like flying blind but I swear I’m still in the fog as to what I want to do when ” I grow up” :-)


The videos are funny to watch.I like that folding gizmo, at least everything the same size. Maybe I’ll get one. Does it work on sheets? That would be great. Now there’s a pain to fold. I just t sort of squish them up. But For me it’s not the folding so much , it’s the putting away. What I need is a conveyor belt that takes it all up to the closets!