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Re: Communication between ADHD people

Re: Communication between ADHD people2012-09-21T03:25:53+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey I Don't Get People Communication between ADHD people Re: Communication between ADHD people


allan wallace
Post count: 478

I’ve not had any contact with ADHD types, in real life or online, so I have no idea. Or, if I have I haven’t been aware of it. I do prefer online contact as it’s less vexatious, and I’m much less likely to offend somebody by something that I say or do, or don’t say or don’t do…sadly I find most people terminally boring, and the moment some imbecile begins to drone on in a monotone about his or her job is the moment that I’m looking to escape their clutches. I much prefer to just sit on the periphery and observe people. It is as fascinating as it is nauseating, and I quite enjoy being regarded as the halfwit not worth talking to! 😆