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Re: Confused and need answers – thanks!

Re: Confused and need answers – thanks!2011-07-26T18:49:21+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! I Suspect I Am Confused and need answers – thanks! Re: Confused and need answers – thanks!


Post count: 14413

I started through a counselor and received an official diagnosis through a psychiatrist I was seeing for a separate issue. I was diagnosed with it at 33, and I will tell anyone that it was the best route for me. My doctor took time to really get a ‘feel’ for what was going on with me and we discussed the possibility of ADHD and treatment, and met a few more times before he prescribed medication for me.

I sought out the counselor through my job because I was working for a doctors’ office that was owned by a hospital, but if you have a family doctor who can refer any sort of counselor, pyschiatrist or psychologist. I prefer my psychiatrist because it was ‘one stop shopping’. Not only did we work together towards the diagnosis, he could also prescribe and monitor my medication.