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Confused and need answers – thanks!

Confused and need answers – thanks!2011-07-26T11:28:11+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! I Suspect I Am Confused and need answers – thanks!

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    Post count: 14413

    Hello Im new to this site. I recently have started research on this topic. I think Im ADHD and all of this talk has started because I feel very strongly that my 5 yr old is ADHD. I’ve been a school teacher for the past 8 yrs and have older children who I believe may have ADHD too. None of us have been diagnosed. Im trying to get my 5 yr old diagnosed. So far I’ve taken him to a pediatrician. But was wondering who is the proper person to diagnose this. For my 5 yr old should it be a neurologist? And for myself and my 19 year old should it be a psychololgist? Are we supposed to have sleep studies done too? I dont think none of us have issues with sleep. But everything else seems to add up to ADHD in all of our past behaviors. I scored a 9 out of 9. So very confused. Any advice will help greatly for myself, my 5 yr old and my 19 yr old. Thanks!


    Post count: 251

    My personal suggestion is a neurologist; there are some who specialize in pediatric neurology. They can diagnose, they can prescribe meds, and, best of all, they take insurance! And in my own limited experience, they seem to have more immediate openings for appointments. Admittedly, I only just got diagnosed yesterday, so I’m hardly the voice of experience, but the whole process went very smoothly and I’m feeling, so far, like I am in very good hands.


    Post count: 14413

    Thanks a bunch for your feedback quizzical. I appreciate this. And for adults? Im going to see if I can get an appt for my 5yr old with a neurologist. But was wondering what to do for myself I am 42 yrs.


    Post count: 14413

    I started through a counselor and received an official diagnosis through a psychiatrist I was seeing for a separate issue. I was diagnosed with it at 33, and I will tell anyone that it was the best route for me. My doctor took time to really get a ‘feel’ for what was going on with me and we discussed the possibility of ADHD and treatment, and met a few more times before he prescribed medication for me.

    I sought out the counselor through my job because I was working for a doctors’ office that was owned by a hospital, but if you have a family doctor who can refer any sort of counselor, pyschiatrist or psychologist. I prefer my psychiatrist because it was ‘one stop shopping’. Not only did we work together towards the diagnosis, he could also prescribe and monitor my medication.


    Post count: 251

    Ask the pediatric neurologist if he or she also evaluates adults for ADD, and if not, see if they can recommend another neurologist for you. That’s how it worked out for me – I was having my son seen for migraines, not ADD, but I went ahead and asked the doctor if she knew any names of doctors who evaluated adults for ADD, and she said while she personally didn’t see adults she gave me the name of a neurologist who did. Had an appointment within days of my call!


    Post count: 14413

    From my experience, psychiatrists or psychiatric nurse practitioners.

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