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Re: Confusing…

Re: Confusing…2012-02-02T16:01:33+00:00

Post count: 845

I’m no expert. What I know is from this site and a couple of books. I would say you definitely need to be back on some medication. Sometimes the meds quit working and you either have to up the dose or switch to something else. From what I read in your post, which is a very good one, I think the right med will allow you to get back on track with everything.

The problem is, if you want to get into the military, you have to be off meds for, I think, four years. This may have changed. Your grades will certainly help with whatever you decide to do. I grew up in a small town and was well known. I would bet that if I had wanted to work with their law enforcement, I could have taken some classes at the junior college and gotten help in getting a job. You might try working as a security guard to get some experience. I think coaches and teachers who like you would be happy to act as references.