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Re: Cymbalta and Strattera R U on this combo ? Please share…

Re: Cymbalta and Strattera R U on this combo ? Please share…2011-06-14T01:46:35+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Strattera Cymbalta and Strattera R U on this combo ? Please share… Re: Cymbalta and Strattera R U on this combo ? Please share…


Post count: 14413

I started out on Cymbalta back when the doctor thought I was just having problems with depression. As time went on, that didn’t work. After some tests, the trhee of them agreed I had ADHD. I tried Vyvance and it was too powerful. Even when my doctor cut it in half, I felt like I was on Speed or something. I was very aggressive and getting into trouble. So, we got off of that. Since then, I have been taking Strattera for a couple of months. I’m only at 60 mg and it seems to be working. Strattera has been much mellower and seems to be working well for me. I guess things work different for different people.