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Cymbalta and Strattera R U on this combo ? Please share…

Cymbalta and Strattera R U on this combo ? Please share…2011-03-27T12:12:18+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Strattera Cymbalta and Strattera R U on this combo ? Please share…

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    Post count: 14413

    Good day all,

    A few questions I have and thanks for your answers

    Cymbalta for GAD and lower back pain

    Strattera for ADHD

    How is your memory and focus on these meds ?

    How about your sleep habits?

    Below is from Dr.J from another forum post…

    Remember atomoxetine (Strattera) is very closely related to fluoxetine (Prozac) which accounts for some of the side effect that people are talking about (emotional mood swings, erectile dysfunction, suicidal ideation, headaches, nausea) but the noradrenaline action of the med also causes the bladder retention (which is good if you are a bed wetter but bad if you are over 40).

    By the way, you can take a stimulant and Strattera together and get the benefit of both. You can also take Antidepressants (except Prozac or Paxil) with Strattera.

    The side effects are manageable but it does take a long time to work. You may not even notice the changes it is so slow.



    Post count: 14413

    Post count: 14413

    I take this combo and so far it’s not working out a well as I would have liked. I don’t sleep at night so I have to take a sleep aid. The Strattera has me in tears on and off. Once the tears start, it’s an all day affair for no reason. I have withdrawls from the Cymbalta and I’m only on 30 mg. I’m also on Welbutrin. I would love to get off the Cymbalta. Good luck to you.


    Post count: 14413


    Sorry to see your results, But thank you for sharing.I hope you are able to get the correct med combination to help suppress your issues and move in a forward direction.


    Post count: 14413

    I would suggest that the combination of Cymbalta and Strattera should be cautioned due to the same issues of CYP2D6 combination. Strattera binds to 2D6.

    Directly from the Cymbalta product monograph:

    “Potent inhibitors of CYP1A2 should be avoided. (7.1)

    • Potent inhibitors of CYP2D6 may increase duloxetine concentrations. (7.2)

    • Duloxetine is a moderate inhibitor of CYP2D6. (7.9) “

    Always speak to your doctor before making any changes to medications. Dr. Jain provides advice generically and not for any one person. Advice does not constitute a therapeutic relationship or promise of care. Please consult the privacy policy for more information.


    Post count: 14413

    Thanks for the heads up I will share with np & md


    Post count: 14413

    I just switched to Cymbalta within the last week or so and had to have my Strattera dose decreased because I was biting everyones heads off over nothing from an excess of…well… something that my doctor mentioned. Not that I can remember it of course. today however is my first day of the lower dose of Strattera, and I’m feeling very hyper, can’t focus, jittery, and my hands are actually shaking. Gotta love it. haha As for sleep, I’ve always been a nightowl, but it feels like there needs to be more hours in the day for me to get tired enough to sleep at night.


    Post count: 14413

    I went to see my psychiatrist about 3 weeks ago for the first time and after looking at my initial visit she took me off the strattera and changed the welbutrin from 150xl to welbutrin 75 and kept me on the cymbalta 60 mg. Then in two weeks when she could see I was out of the deep depression from strattera she took me off the welbutrin and put me on Vyvanse 20 mg. She said I really needed to get cleaned up first before she could take care of the ADHD. It was a very painful process. :?


    Post count: 14413

    I started out on Cymbalta back when the doctor thought I was just having problems with depression. As time went on, that didn’t work. After some tests, the trhee of them agreed I had ADHD. I tried Vyvance and it was too powerful. Even when my doctor cut it in half, I felt like I was on Speed or something. I was very aggressive and getting into trouble. So, we got off of that. Since then, I have been taking Strattera for a couple of months. I’m only at 60 mg and it seems to be working. Strattera has been much mellower and seems to be working well for me. I guess things work different for different people.


    Post count: 14413

    I can recommend a reputable pharmacy (Strattera, Cymbalta) – http://www.grandmeds.com/catalog/Other/Strattera.htm?refid=299 I received the order and it was on time and the pills work great.

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