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Re: Depression and ADD – are they related?

Re: Depression and ADD – are they related?2010-12-03T05:07:00+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Depression and ADD – are they related? Re: Depression and ADD – are they related?


Post count: 14413

Thank you for your response – I have to say, I am surprised that ADHD would trump Depression and yet I understand how that could be. My father was diagnosed as manic depressive schizophrenic with homicidal tendencies. My 16 year old brother committed suicide when I was 23. My youngest brother was diagnosed at age 5 with ADHD. So, if in fact we all had ADHD that would definitely contribute or lead to depression. All 3 of my brothers were alcoholics. I was hospitalized at age 43 for a “nervous breakdown/depression”. Wow, how crazy is this? I live in Sedona, AZ. Can you steer me in the right direction to get the ball rolling here for me? Thank you so much for your input. I’ve been waiting for this information for a L O N G time!!!