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Re: Depression and ADD – are they related?

Re: Depression and ADD – are they related?2010-12-03T23:26:34+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Depression and ADD – are they related? Re: Depression and ADD – are they related?


Post count: 14413

Dr. J, you are awesome! Thank you so much for your time and the work you do. Patrick, Rick and Dr. J. — the 3 Musketeers of ADHD. Just curious – and a personal question of course, but I am wondering if you too are one of us? Your sense of humor indicates a yes . Thanks again. I will follow up with the CHADD people and continue on my quest. Forgot to tell you, I was briefly prescribed Straterra and couldn’t believe the difference. “So this is what normal people feel like?” I was able to focus for the first time in my life – with NO ANXIETY! Just couldn’t afford the drug. Oh well, onward and upward! Thanks!