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Re: desperate to managing my sleep cycle. any one want to join?

Re: desperate to managing my sleep cycle. any one want to join?2011-10-20T06:20:22+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Time Management desperate to managing my sleep cycle. any one want to join? Re: desperate to managing my sleep cycle. any one want to join?


Post count: 14413

yay responses!!!!… I am still chugging along with sleep graph. the one and only accomplishment I have made is keeping up with updating sleep graph lol. still kind of dismal. some changes: fewer drastic shifts. so equaled out no extra sleep at all.. just the lines are a little less jagged. It did not help when I got worse and worse insomnia. I feel like ()#)@@$ when I don’t sleep!!! I’m only an energizer bunny when I should be in bed or I am over-stimulated.

zsazsa..i know it sounds ridiculous..but i seriously have been unable to change my bedtimes. completely astounds me really because I’ve conquered a lot in life. part of the problem is probably the new bf who works second shift and has a similar night owl distracted personality. I issued an ultimatum to him last week that he either helps get me to sleep on time or doesn’t come over on the weekdays. so maybe I’ll finally see some sleep graph changes? lol.

sleep makes such a huge difference. I got awesome sleep friday night- monday night… It felt so good. i dedicate that sleep to newly motivated bf and seroquel…. now I feel wrecked after 3 hours of sleep and a 12 hour stressful day at work. blarg. and I was good and was in bed by midnight… just woke up at 3:30am with restless leg >_<.

better get the sleep study referrals ready for my doc to sign next week.