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Re: desperate to managing my sleep cycle. any one want to join?

Re: desperate to managing my sleep cycle. any one want to join?2011-10-30T22:55:52+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Time Management desperate to managing my sleep cycle. any one want to join? Re: desperate to managing my sleep cycle. any one want to join?


Post count: 14413

According to my husband, his brother acts like this in cycles, and he only does the abusive middle-of-the-night phone calls when he’s drunk. I was so fearful that he was going to drive to our house and be violent to us (but we live in another city, my husband says he doesn’t drive when he’s in that state). According to my husband’s cousin, who lives in the UK, his brother called their elderly aunt in Ireland when he couldn’t get anyone else, and so totally terrorized her that she wouldn’t answer the phone for weeks afterwards. Other times he is the opposite, he has the world’s greatest ideas and gets totally sucked in to other’s grandiose plans if it happens during that cycle. I have no idea if he is ever normal. I think it’s getting worse as he gets older, definitely after his father died.

He won’t seek treatment, he says he is “too smart” for psychiatrists. Yet the whole world, according to him, is screwing him (pardon the phrase). He’s runs his own roofing business, so in winter, he has nothing better to do than get drunk and abusive.

I’m glad you are able to control your bi-polar condition. I totally get the compliance aspect of this sort of thing now that I’m diagnosed and on meds. It’s certainly a challenge to be constantly monitoring yourself to see if you need more or less at a given time, what might be affecting sleep, other behaviours, etc.