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Re: Dexedrine simply not effective at 'maximum dosage'.. what should I do?

Re: Dexedrine simply not effective at 'maximum dosage'.. what should I do?2011-10-25T23:16:09+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Dexedrine Dexedrine simply not effective at 'maximum dosage'.. what should I do? Re: Dexedrine simply not effective at 'maximum dosage'.. what should I do?


Post count: 15

I don’t know if the recommended dosing or the legally allowed dosing is different in Canada vis a vis the U.S. but the dosage you are on sounds quite low. 5 – 10 mg doesn’t even touch me. I have previously been on dexedrine and there were a couple of times at bedtime when instead of grabbing my vitamins I accidentally grabbed my dexedrine and took 15 mg. I realized my mistake about 5 seconds too late. What happened? I just went to sleep.

Go to the web and take a look at the dosage recommendations from the dexedrine drug information label. Also note that there is a difference between the generic dexedrine and the brand. 15 mg of generic dex has only 12.5 mg of dex in the thing. Really, read the labels.

In my humble opinion, getting the right meds is only the beginning. The meds don’t make the ADD go away. The meds just help turn the ADD 800 lb gorilla into a potentially managable 200 lb gorilla … but it’s still a damn strong gorilla..

Your doctor’s comment about you “just needing to make lists and follow them” indicates to me that your Dr. is clueless. If just “make a list and follow it” were a suggestion that actually worked then this web-site would not exist.

Having ADD sucks but you have taken the first BIG step, getting the meds. Do your homework on dosing and get another appointment iwth the doctor and educate the doctor. All you can do is keep your head up and keep plugging away.

below is a link for dexedrine drug information
