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Re: Diagnosed at 23. Experiences Before, During, and After Diagnosis.

Re: Diagnosed at 23. Experiences Before, During, and After Diagnosis.2012-11-04T22:17:26+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? ADHD/ADD in Adults Diagnosed at 23. Experiences Before, During, and After Diagnosis. Re: Diagnosed at 23. Experiences Before, During, and After Diagnosis.


Post count: 14413

Hahaha! 23 hours of scrabble!? That’s incredible! I love junk food myself… I must say that, even though I’m much skinnier than I’d like to be, there’s always a batch of cookies in my jar. :D

It’s crazy how the medicines effect people so differently! This place surely is one that makes dealing with the issues we face much more manageable!