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Re: Diagnosed at 23. Experiences Before, During, and After Diagnosis.

Re: Diagnosed at 23. Experiences Before, During, and After Diagnosis.2012-11-01T00:33:26+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? ADHD/ADD in Adults Diagnosed at 23. Experiences Before, During, and After Diagnosis. Re: Diagnosed at 23. Experiences Before, During, and After Diagnosis.


allan wallace
Post count: 478

Hmmm, after ploughing through all of that all that I kept thinking was’I wonder if this is the post that got deleted from the other thread’….

Um, what is it you’re asking? If your dosage of whatever it was that you’re on ought to be higher? What did your doc say about it? Was your brother-in-law diagnosed as ADHD? Is he on the same medication? The same dosage? What about your nephew? Yikes, I feel like an investigative journalist…erm, seeya! 8)