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Re: Diagnost at 40 years old

Re: Diagnost at 40 years old2011-07-29T14:56:51+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey My Story Diagnost at 40 years old Re: Diagnost at 40 years old


Post count: 303

I obviously don’t know the situation completely, but as for your son, that’s very sad. Hopefully, when he has his own children, he’ll come around. It’s pretty normal for your 23 year old to be pushing in his own direction, and away from you, right now. Still, doesn’t take the sting out of it.

Personally, with my kids, I’m looking less forward to the early twenties than I am to the teens. I’m very afraid. Some older women told me that all kids tell you they hate you at that age. It just sounds like a crushing experience that I just don’t want to go through.

Lucky for us late identified ADDers (I’m 39, turning 40 in Sept. and officially diagnosed this past year), I’ve been told life begins at 40. It’s never too late to turn things around, as we are only about half-way done. This is a great site for helping with that.