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Re: Discovered by accident

Re: Discovered by accident2010-08-09T07:59:56+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! My Story Discovered by accident Re: Discovered by accident


Post count: 119

Thank you for your response! :) (as soon as I find the surgeon who knows where it’s located, I’ll let you know!)

Medication is (or feels like it’s) working miracles for me. I’m still in the process of finding the right dosage, but already I notice that I can keep track of a conversation, even when my wife is talking to me from the living room, when I’m doing the dishes.

BTW, she really has to get used to the ‘new’ me! That’s gonna take a while, since I have to get used to me too. My three year old son even gives me a certain ‘hey, something’s different about you’ glare, every now and then. (Keeping a close eye on him now too, given my diagnosis, ofcourse)

The only thing I’m discovering now, is that even though I am now ABLE to concentrate, I still have to put in the effort to do so. The effort is not so much in trying to concentrate, but more in changing my habits, since they didn’t change overnight with the meds. So things like your whiteboard by the front door, the “bucket” concept that Dr. Jain suggests in one of the video’s and keeping everyones organizers in sync, are still really good ideas to help bending those old ADD driven habits, into effective new ones.

Weren’t you surprised to see your self esteem rising so quickly? I know I was!