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Re: Do I take another job after losing 10???

Re: Do I take another job after losing 10???2011-01-17T13:53:32+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Do I take another job after losing 10??? Re: Do I take another job after losing 10???


Post count: 546

this sir seems to be a faith issue so the thing is do you beleve you a are meant or even more called to go then go and trust it will work out that is faith, but if you go and seed on soil that you are not called too you will once again grow a crop that you will not see the harvest. because it is not that you don’t know how to grow a garden it seems to me that you are seeding on land that you have not been given. take joy in your heart tha there is fruit from your labour and you have seen the fruit growing on the vine.the truth you seek is already in your heart and your understanding. you and your faimly will have to choose what to do. you have to understand that if your heart is in the right place you have been blessed to see fruit growing from your lobor that in itself would be a blessing to a lot of us. hore that helps.