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Re: Do I take another job after losing 10???

Re: Do I take another job after losing 10???2011-01-17T13:50:02+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Do I take another job after losing 10??? Re: Do I take another job after losing 10???


Post count: 206

What is your family saying to you. I think at this point it really has to be a family decision whether you are willing to take this next leap. But if this is what you are passionate about then I think you need to do it. Everything has risks however you should be upfront and tell the new pastor that you want to remain in the background as much as possible so that the same complaints do not happen. And if a person is always going behind your back to complain then they need to really look at their own behavior before doing this, especially if you come to them and they can’t look you in the eye and do so. And shame on the pastor for not calling a meeting of all the parties involved before he decided to sack you. That is part of his training and as a Christian he should be helping you foster relationships within the church.

Also if this is a perpetual fear that this is going to end in failure you probably need to speak to a counselor about this before you cause this just because of your anxiety. Good luck, and remember the past is behind you and the future is yours to write. Don’t let the past close the book on the future.