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Re: Do you have Predominantly Inattentive Subtype ADD, too?

Re: Do you have Predominantly Inattentive Subtype ADD, too?2010-11-15T00:16:17+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? Inattention/Distractibility/Focus Do you have Predominantly Inattentive Subtype ADD, too? Re: Do you have Predominantly Inattentive Subtype ADD, too?


Post count: 31

Jennee, that’s great news for you! Congrats. It’s not easy fitting in at the best of times, so finding a workplace that you’re paid to be in 8 hrs/day, 5 days/wk, is a tremendous bonus for you. I’m envious – not that I have it so bad working for my husband in his computer store. I hate the work, but the environment has more pluses than minuses for someone like me. Most days, however, the sheer volume of customer complains and fast talkers frustrates the hell out of me and I tend to have a few “mood swings,” as my husband is fond of calling my little meltdowns. I honestly can’t function when there is too much activity and noise, and when someone thinks humans can listen to new information as fast as we can talk (newsflash – it’s not possible!), and yet if I came across an accident where people’s lives are at stake, you’ll find I’m the calmest person there. And apparently I’m good with death and funeral homes. The staff at funeral homes will gravitate towards me out a packed room of emotional “normals” for some strange reason. Could be I’m the only one laughing that draws attention to myself. Dunno. I’m part Irish; we celebrate life not mourn it. ;-)