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Re: Do you have Predominantly Inattentive Subtype ADD, too?

Re: Do you have Predominantly Inattentive Subtype ADD, too?2010-12-02T23:28:45+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? Inattention/Distractibility/Focus Do you have Predominantly Inattentive Subtype ADD, too? Re: Do you have Predominantly Inattentive Subtype ADD, too?


Post count: 14413

Yes, I’m the inattentive one too. I’ve always been the underachiever and my mother still loves to go on about how lazy I was since I always had my head stuck in a book. (Funny, she was so proud that I loved to read, but it annoyed her if I read for more than 30 minutes a day!) I couldn’t stay organized and still have trouble, even with meds. The computer is a new distraction that gets me in loads of trouble–it’s supposed to be a tool to work, but I usually spend too many hours doing something else with it. And though I have a bachelors degree from Washington University, I am employed as a teacher’s assistant–not exactly a career job–never have had one of those. The one thing in my life that I can say I’ve done very well is mothering my children, and I’m extremely proud of that.

And yes pworthy, depression is a component, but I think it is in response to the frustrations we experience–what are neutral experiences for most people are uphill battles for us. Everything is harder, and that does take a toll. LOL on the yarn collection–I have one of those myself and haven’t knitted for years. The moths have probably eaten it all up.