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Re: Do you make up words by accident?

Re: Do you make up words by accident?2011-07-21T17:46:21+00:00

The Forums Forums Most X-treme! Funny Do you make up words by accident? Re: Do you make up words by accident?


Post count: 14413

@billd, I like the “at my desk” thing, I’ll have to use it. It’s odd that our brains are so fast sometimes, but obstinately slow other times.

I find that when I type or write, sometimes I type too fast or one hand moves too slow. Teh, oterhs, smoeday, are all classics. I use auto-correct in Word and Outlook a lot: “wrt” will automatically change to “with respect to;” and “proho” is “; provided, however,” Thank God I live in the age of PCs and not typewriters.

I do it when writing by hand, too. I find that sometimes I start writing a sentence and I skip the middle bit: “Today, I went groceries.” skipping “to the store for.” Like my hand can’t keep up with my brain. When I was in fourth grade, one of my teachers said exactly that. 27 years later, I find out it’s ADD.