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Re: Do you make up words by accident?

Re: Do you make up words by accident?2011-07-21T18:11:45+00:00

The Forums Forums Most X-treme! Funny Do you make up words by accident? Re: Do you make up words by accident?


Post count: 14413

Anyone else wave their arms around while thinking? A common phrase for me “you know….that thing…that.. you…that.. you…use to…etc”. The other night I couldn’t remember the name “Dance Dance Revolution” so I called it “the blinking lights music stomping machine” and proceeded to act it out.

I always embarrass myself by looking like an idiot! Now a bit less so due to the meds. People who know me or are used to me know that you have to be patient while I get my thought out and usually it will be worth the wait.

I LOVE word processor SO VERY MUCH! I don’t think I could be anywhere close to where I am without it. I always skip words or even middle letters in what I am writing. I skip sentences. I can’t really organize thoughts until I copy, paste, and move sentences. edit, erase, copy, paste, move. I’m an excellent student, but I can’t get As on written essay tests for this reason, luckily they were so very rare. The timed written essay test was like my worst test nightmare in addition to timed oral. When I was in the 5th grade, I had to do a project on the typewriter. I made soooo many mistakes and needed so much editing that a pretty simple project took me more than a week.

Let’s say that no one will ever get handwritten letters from me. If one wanted a letter in the mail from me, I typed it then printed it out because the constant erasing is infuriating. and yes, I cannot write anything with pen..

These major problems all listed above and in this thread are some of the major reasons why my psychiatrist thinks I have ADD.