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Re: Do you (try to) use a wallet?

Re: Do you (try to) use a wallet?2011-01-05T11:00:36+00:00

The Forums Forums Most X-treme! Organization Do you (try to) use a wallet? Re: Do you (try to) use a wallet?


Post count: 14413

“Confidentially” I feel naked if I don’t carry my wallet my problem is… keeping it thin, I hate bulky thingsI also I carry a coin purse which holds my keys;finally pockets to house those things that and my cell phone and I’m “good to go.” it really helps me to improve focus when I am out of the house. To me carrying a wallet and keys and loose change in my pocket was sort of a “rite of passage”; a status symbol if you will saying I am now in charge of my life because I’m a man… interesting never thought of it that way but it is true.