The Forums › Forums › Medication › Psychostimulants – General › Does stressful sustained mental focus burn through the meds more quickly? › Re: Does stressful sustained mental focus burn through the meds more quickly?
Thank you both for the replies
Nellie, I am definitely tired..exhausted and sleep deprived even. I am a pretty extreme night owl and it is very difficult for me to fall asleep before 1am even with prescription hypnotics. Then in the morning, my body is still asleep and dragging my body to work is difficult. That drive to work makes me nervous. Thus, I’m going into these 12 hour days on 5 hours of sleep. I know this is a big problem. I’m experimenting with my circadian rhythm by taking melatonin a few hours before bed to trick myself into getting sleepy at a regular time. I had some success with this yesterday and got nearly 7 hours of sleep (still woke up a few times). Driving to work wasn’t scary that morning at least. Since I am usually an 8-9 hours of sleep kind of girl, I need to further work on this. I’m thinking about doing a sleep study. So you make a good point about the meds not really working due to the exhaustion because they are working outside of work.
Krazykat- pain meds are a good example. After I was in the car accident, I hated the opiates because I felt like they were just sugar pills that made me slow and tired. almost completely useless. However, I took them one day 4 months after the accident because I wanted to go walking and had some pain….and.. pain was gone and I felt kind of stoned and happy. ( time I just used ibuprofen!).
you both gave good reasons why I’m still scattered at work, while no longer scattered at home.