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Re: Dr. J…..You da MAN!

Re: Dr. J…..You da MAN!2010-12-05T07:10:27+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Dr. J…..You da MAN! Re: Dr. J…..You da MAN!


Post count: 14413

Hear! Hear!

BTW, I enjoyed your talk with the TO Meetup Group. As an ADHD teacher, I have always really, really tried to give accomodations for my ‘wee wonders’! Even still, it’s very difficult for most of them to manage (for that matter, even for me to assist them). I’d love to say that they are the neediest in the classroom but some of the other ones we deal with always seem to trump the ADDers.

Autism and ones with severe physical disabilites seem to ‘scream’ louder. Wouldn’t it be great if a teaching assisant was always available to help out? Unfortunately, budgets and playing the system is the order of the day which leaves me sometimes feeling that someone is missing out on what they should be getting from me.

The good thing? I’m not giving up….yet! At the end of some days I want to just bang my head against the wall in frustration but that never made things better. What did work? Just going back in after taking a deep breath and enjoying the ride! On the really good days there is nothing better than working with the ‘Ryans and Devontes’. In fact, on those days I even toy with going back to SpecEd in the contained behaviour classes. (Mind you, at that point I usually douse myself with a glass of cold water!!)